Disc Herniation

Disc Herniation Frankfort, IL

Botti Chiropractic & Wellness | Chiropractor Frankfort

One of the most common conditions that we often find at Botti Chiropractic & Wellness is disc herniation or a slipped disc/ruptured disc. For most patients, a herniated disc typically impacts the neck or the lower back. This condition is a result of when the cushion or padding that protects the vertebrae is no longer in the right position. As a result, the nerves around it are being placed under more pressure, resulting in disc herniation. If you are suffering from any back pain, get seen by the best chiropractor Frankfort.

The Structure of your Spine and its Relation to Disc Herniation

The human spine is made up of thirty-three bones, which are collectively known as the vertebrae. Soft disks that are made up of a jelly-like substance are responsible for cushioning some of the vertebrae. It is these very soft disks that allow us to move the spine around and bend over. Sometimes, a disk between two vertebrae may start to slip out of place – such a condition is termed as a slipped, ruptured, or herniated disk. It is likely to irritate the surrounding nerves and can cause extreme pain.

Herniated Disc or Just the Regular Old Back Pain? How to Differentiate?

A herniated disk results in back pain but not all back pain is a result of a herniated disk. So, how could one tell whether the back pain one has is because of a herniated disk or is it the regular old back pain and there’s no disk herniation involved?

Well, one of the basic signs relates to the location of the pain. Herniated discs most commonly occur in the lower part of the backbone i.e. the lumbar spine, just above the hips (although it is not a hard and fast rule). The pain originating from a herniated disk usually spreads from the back to the hips, thighs, and may even extend to the calves. Other signs of a herniated disk include aggravation or discomfort when one is active and lessening when one starts resting. Activities such as sitting, sneezing or even coughing put pressure on the pinched nerves and may exacerbate the symptoms. The last sign to examine would be the patient’s age. As a general rule, one’s disks tend to break down and lose their cushioning as one gets older.

What Causes Herniated Disc?

Simply put, a herniated disc is merely a result of either an injury or overuse of the discs in the spine. In addition to this, disc herniation can also be a result of an individual aging, which we will cover shortly. Recently, experts are beginning to draw conclusions that there may be a genetic aspect to this as well. What we know for sure is that a herniated disc will only take a maximum of six months to heal. This is can be attributed to resorption.

As one ages, the human body changes. When it comes to the spine, the discs actually exponentially lose fluid volumes over the years- starting at age 30. Due to this, it poses the threat of tears or cracks, leaving the disc at risk. Here are a few of the most common causes of a herniated disk:

  • Normal wear and tear: As an individual ages, discs are prone to drying out, leading to wear and tear.
  • Repetitive motion: Performing the same motions day after day can lead to disc herniation. Whether it’s your daily lifestyle, sports, or even work, repetitious movements can significantly weaken one’s discs.
  • Improper Lifting: If you are moving heavy objects, it’s important to be aware of how to properly do it. By lifting with your back, you are placing more stress and tension on the discs.
  • Injury: Any injuries to the spine or back can be a leading cause of disc herniation. Injuries can cause either tears or bulges of discs.
  • Obesity: If an individual is overweight, it can actually cause more pressure or stress on the discs.
  • Poor posture & Muscle weakness: When the neck is not properly aligned it is vulnerable to disc herniation with normal activity.

Symptoms of Disc Herniation

When it comes to disc herniation, most patients often complain or experience pain. Given that a herniated disc can happen in different areas of the spine, the location of the spine may vary. If an individual undergoes a minor injury, there might not even be any pain. Pain is often felt when the nerve is impacted. You may all experience dull aches, a burning sensation, tingling/numbness, muscle weakness, or even a loss of bladder.

Chiropractic Care with Botti Chiropractic & Wellness

At Botti Chiropractic & Wellness, our experts are dedicated to our patients. All of our experts have extensive experience in the field and continue working towards improving and expanding their understanding. They are all constantly learning newer methods to treat herniated discs to ease patients and prevent the problem from happening again.

To help our patients heal and find relief, we offer a non-invasive comprehensive treatment plan for disc herniation. Throughout the treatment period, we will work with and guide you on how to navigate your daily life to properly heal. All of our treatment plans have been customized specifically for you.

Call us today for an appointment today and get the customized attention you deserve!

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