Neck Pain

Neck Pain Frankfort

Botti Chiropractic & Wellness | Chiropractor Frankfort IL

Neck pain is one of the most common conditions that we treat at Botti Chiropractic & Wellness.  The neck is complex and can affect a variety of other areas around the head, neck, and upper back.  It can be an underlying cause of migraine headaches, jaw pain, tinnitus, arm and shoulder pain, as well as elbow pain and numbness in the hands.

Now more than ever the complexities of our activities of daily living and the continued improvements in technology challenge our cervical spine more than ever.

Today, more and more people are spending time on computers, not exercising enough, and lack proper posture. This can be directly attributed to the rise of neck pain in society. Out of all the problems that patients are experiencing, neck pain is one of the most common in Frankfort and the world.

Causes Of Neck Pain in Frankfort

Prior to discussing treatment options, let’s take a look at some of the common causes of neck pain.

  • Poor Spinal Function: A common cause of neck pain has to do with poor spinal function. When vertebral joints are no longer functioning as intended in the back/beck, it can lead to pain as the nerves, muscles, or discs can be impacted.
  • Injuries: Any minor/major injuries to the neck, including whiplash, can cause immense neck pain. It’s important to know that, in some cases, pain may not occur at the time of the injury.
  • Postural Change: Having poor posture, lack of muscle strength, or sitting for long periods of time can lead to impacting the spine. This can be a leading cause of neck pain.
  • Spinal Degeneration: Discs in the spine are subject to wear and tear, which can lead to neck pain.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions can be a contributing factor to neck pain. This includes, but not limited to, infections, fractures, or even tumors.

Symptoms Of Neck Pain

One of the most common signs of neck pain can be headaches. Patients often mention having headaches located on the front and back of the head. Additionally, individuals may experience or mention discomfort/pain when moving, resulting in muscle spams or further aches. When the nerves are impacted, especially those running from the shoulder to the arms, patients may experience extensive pain in their arm, hands, and shoulders. In addition to all of this, some other common symptoms of neck pain could be visual issues, ringing in the ears, and dizziness.

The structure of the neck and its relation to neck pain

On the outside, it may not appear to be but the fact is that the human neck is a complex structure on the inside. Inside the neck runs the spine called the cervical spine. It is made up of seven vertebrae that surrounds the spinal cord and canal. These vertebrae are surrounded by the nerves of the neck and in between the vertebrae, there exist discs. The organs that make up the neck are the neck muscles, arteries, veins, lymph nodes, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, esophagus, larynx, and trachea. A condition or disease that may affect any of these tissues of the neck can lead to neck pain.

Preventing neck pain

There is only one way to prevent neck pain and that is by avoiding injury to the neck. For sportspersons and athletes, the best is to minimize the risks of injury during sports activities. As for those athletes who participate in collision sports, the use of appropriate equipment, neck strengthening exercises and occasional bracing of the neck can prevent neck injury.

Diagnosing the cause of neck pain

For correct diagnosis of the cause of neck pain, your doctor will perform the following diagnostic steps:-

  • Noting the location, intensity, duration, and radiation of the pain.
  • Noting down whether the pain improves or aggravates when the patient repositions or moves his/her head. The doctor will likely record the positions or motions that aggravate and/or relieve the pain.
  • Seeking information regarding the past injuries to the neck and the treatment(s) availed therefor.
  • Examination of the neck at rest and in motion.
  • Detecting tenderness during palpation of the neck.
  • To determine the involvement of nerve, an examination of the nervous system is carried out.
  • If the cause still remains undiagnosed, the doctor may prescribe further tests such as X-ray, CT scan, MRI scan, bone scan, electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction velocity test (NCV).

Neck Pain Frankfort Chiropractic Treatments

Botti Chiropractic & Wellness prides itself in its consistent successful outcomes in patients with all forms of neck pain. We also pride ourselves in providing another level of cervical spine longevity and interfering with the causes responsible for degenerative conditions of the spine.  Thorough evaluation and diagnosis is the most important part of this process.

Once we can pinpoint the cause of your neck pain we can improve your symptoms quickly and work towards correcting the underlying biomechanical, postural, and structural issues that led to it. There is a wide range of treatment options available, including chiropractic manipulation, myofascial release therapy, and massage therapy in Frankfort.  It is not uncommon for patients to also see immediate relief or resolution of other conditions such as headaches, jaw pain, arm pain, and more.

If your sick of dealing with ongoing neck pain and would like to take a step in the right direction please call us at your convenience and we would be honored to work with you.

Office Hours


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm



