Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Frankfort IL

Botti Chiropractic & Wellness | Physical Therapy in Frankfort, IL

Physical therapy is one of the most sought-after treatments available at Botti Chiropractic & Wellness. Whether you are suffering from sports-related injuries, neurological conditions, or musculoskeletal dysfunction, different types of physical therapy can help you effectively manage pain and discomfort.

Our team, under the guidance of Dr. Valentino Botti, specialize in providing physical therapy based on the condition that a patient is suffering from. Under their care, you will be able to get relief from ailments like backache, trigger finger, post-myocardial infarction, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, muscular dystrophy, and concussions.

What to Expect at Botti Chiropractic & Wellness?

Whether you are seeking physical therapy on your own or have been directed by a doctor,  your search for an experienced and skilled physical therapist in Frankfort, IL will end at Botti Chiropractic & Wellness.

Our therapists pay attention to the needs of a patient on all levels. You will undergo a process of healing that will commence with an initial diagnosis, and then transit into the preventive and restorative phases.

At our Frankfort chiropractic office, every patient undergoes the following process:

  • Physical evaluation, which includes a full health history checkup and tests, as needed. Our team also assesses a patient’s movement, posture, and muscle and joint motion.
  • After this, a clinical diagnosis is carried out and a care plan along with the health goals are shared with the patient.
  • Thereafter, physical therapy is provided to the patient.
  • Lastly, the patient is guided on self-management and maintenance, and a follow-up treatment date may be provided.

Our physical therapists train the patients to do the exercises on their own at a place of their choice.

Benefits of Physical Therapy

There are several benefits of physical therapy. With a customized treatment plan, patients can improve their health and overall well-being. At Botti Chiropractic & Wellness, we make sure that our doctors and physical therapists offer the right solution. By choosing physical therapy, you can reap the following benefits:

  • Alleviates Pain: Manual exercises and therapeutic techniques can help eliminate and reduce pain by restoring the functions of muscles and joints. Therapies like electrical stimulation and ultrasound can help prevent the pain and discomfort from returning.
  • Helps Recover from Sports Injuries: Athletes are vulnerable to injuries like stress fractures, ankle sprain, knee injury, tennis elbow, etc. Physical therapy can help prevent, recover and manage from such injuries.
  • Helps Manage Age-related Conditions: Age-related conditions may not be predicted or prevented, but they can be managed with the help of physical therapy. If you are suffering from health issues like osteoporosis, arthritis, muscle weakness or require a joint replacement, physical therapy can help you recover and lead a healthy life even in the ripe years of life.
  • Prevents the Need of a Surgery: If you have suffered a joint or muscle injury and the diagnosis points towards a surgery, pre-surgery physical therapy is something you should try. In many cases, this type of therapy often prevents the need for surgery. In cases where surgery is still required, physical therapy ensures a quicker recovery.
  • Enhances Cardiac & Pulmonary Strength: Many patients who suffer from heart or lungs diseases, can receive physical therapy treatments. Different types of physical therapy can help improve the heart and lung function, and enhance the quality of life for such patients.
  • Manages Women Health: Whether pregnancy or postpartum care, women need special attention when it comes to their health. Our physical therapists’ craft customized treatments for women who suffer from conditions like breast cancer, lymphedema, bowel incontinence, pelvic pain, constipation, or urinary incontinence.
  • Accelerates Recovery: Irrespective of your age or condition, physical therapy treatments can accelerate your recovery. With regular physical therapy, you can attain a more mobile, flexible, and happy body.
  • Help Patients Suffering from Diabetes: Exercise can greatly help in controlling the blood sugar levels and help a diabetic patient improve the quality of life. Patients who complain of tingling sensations in their legs or feet can greatly benefit from physical therapy. Our therapists aim to educate such patients on how to take care of their feet and maintain their sugar levels in the long run.

What are the Different Types of Physical Therapy?

Here are  five of the most commonly used types of physical therapy:

  • Neurological physical therapy: Helps with conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurological disorders.
  • Geriatric physical therapy: Helpful with conditions that cause mobility restrictions such as osteoporosis, arthritis, hip and joint issues, etc.
  • Pediatric physical therapy: This special therapy is for children and infants who suffer from any form of neurological and developmental conditions.
  • Pulmonary and Cardiovascular rehabilitation: As the name suggests, this physical therapy is offered to those suffering from heart and lung-related issues.
  • Orthopedic physical therapy: If you are suffering from any medical condition involving bones, ligaments, joints or muscles, a specialized orthopedic physical therapy is what you’ll be given.

Cost of Physical Therapy

When it comes to the cost of physical therapy, you must know that, based on different conditions, types, requirement, and other factors, the prices vary. Some patients may need physical therapy for a longer duration, while some may see results in a matter of days. Also, some therapy may be expensive due to the equipment involved or the complexity.

As these factors contribute to the variation in the prices, if the price is something you are concerned about, at Botti Chiropractic & Wellness, we offer various insurance plans and financing options in Frankfort, IL for the convenience of our patients.

Schedule Your Physical Therapy Appointment at Botti Chiropractic & Wellness Today!

If you are suffering from any of the above-mentioned conditions or have been directed by a doctor to seek physical therapy, contact Botti Chiropractic & Wellness and we’ll take care of the rest. Schedule a physical therapy consultation with Dr. Valentino Botti today! With his stellar chiropractic care in Frankfort, you’ll be able to enjoy a better quality of life and improve overall health. Give us a call today at (708) 717-5947, or book your appointment online today!

Office Hours


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm



